About Us


YAHNIAN TAX is an affiliate of YAHNIAN LAW CORPORATION  and of DSA ACCOUNTING . Each company is 100% owned by D. STEVEN YAHNIAN, Tax Attorney/CPA/CFP

Tax Information and Advocacy Source

YAHNIAN TAX is a tax advocate conduit and tax information resource for taxpayers seeking tax assistance. Once you contact YAHNIAN TAX, you will be referred to either YAHNIAN LAW CORPORATION or DSA ACCOUNTING for the appropriate professional services.


YAHNIAN LAW CORPORATION provides all manner of tax services, except for tax return preparation. All tax return preparation, whether current year, amended, or past due, is provided by DSA ACCOUNTING.


DSA ACCOUNTING  is the wholly owned accounting firm of D. STEVEN YAHNIAN CPA/CFP.  DSA ACCOUNTING   prepares tax returns.

NOTE: Other Tax Advisors, CPAs and Attorneys often refer their clients or client situations to STEVE YAHNIAN when the tax issues or problems are beyond their experience, time constraints, workload or skills. At their request, we either take over the matter completely or alternative, remain in the background reviewing their work, the situation or circumstances, as they develop, thus enabling the tax professional who engages us to assist them, more effectively address the tax issues, or represent their clients and reach a successful resolution or tax savings result.

The Tax Planning, Tax Resolution and Tax Defense Advantages and Benefits  we offer to our Clients

  • Certified Tax Law Specialist. Mr. Yahnian is a California State Bar Board of Legal Specialization Certified Taxation Specialist. This means that he is recognized by his peers as having a high level of experience and expertise in Tax matters.
  • Certification’s Benefit to our Clients. As a California State Bar Certified Tax Specialist that also means that, in this day and age of complex tax laws impacting just about any transaction, including planning and defense against the taxing authorities, he is uniquely positioned to advise you upon and prepare  plans or defend you.
  • Experience. He has been in practice since 1980
  • Related and complimentary Legal Practice Areas. He is also a Business, Estates and Real Estate lawyer. Taxation law is not practiced in a vacuum, and those areas of law also very often come into play in tax planning as well as tax defense.
  • Expertise. He has prepared numerous tax plans and opinions over the years and successfully handled numerous matters against the IRS, the California Franchise Tax Board, the California State Board of Equalization and the California EDD. As a result, he has saved his client significant and substantial tax dollars.
  • Success. Mr. Yahnian has a track record of extraordinary success in handling tax matters.
  • CPA/CFP. He is also a CPA and a CFP which means he has significant familiarity with tax, accounting, business, insurance, annuity, and retirement plan matters, both from a legal and non legal standpoint and from the micro to the macro.
  • Cross Professional Expertise, Knowledge and Communication Skills. And, also as a CPA/CFP, he can converse knowledgeably and effectively with your accountant and your financial planner, insurance advisor and stock broker as they combine to help plan your estate, tax or business matters and related financial affairs.
  • Excellent Staff. He has an excellent staff of paralegals and legal assistants ready to provide him and you with expert and knowledgeable assistance as you implement your business, estate, real estate or tax plan and defense against the IRS and state taxing agencies.
  • Continuous Obtaining of Knowledge and New Ideas. In the never ending world of changes to the law and development of techniques and strategies for solving client tax problems, Mr. Yahnian attends taxation seminars on a continual basis becoming familiar with the cutting edge concepts, tools and techniques put forth in the profession and the newest attacks by the government on existing planning techniques.
  • Technology. Mr. Yahnian’s office has implemented and makes full use of the latest technologies.
  • Current and Comprehensive Online Libraries of Information to Serve His Clients. Mr. Yahnian subscribes to the most complete, comprehensive and up to date online legal and tax libraries and databases in order to have comprehensive and current  information at his fingertips, at a moment’s notice. This enables him to deal with client legal problems, tax or otherwise, by accessing the most current laws and commentaries, as well as tools to defend his clients from the IRS and other taxing agencies.
  • Tax Attorney/CPA is the best Choice for Tax Planning or Defense. There are very few Attorney/CPAs around. There are even fewer Tax Attorney/CPAs. Steve Yahnian is one of the few. Why is a Tax Attorney/CPA your best choice for Tax Planning and Defense against the IRS and other tax agencies? The main reason is attorney client privilege. Attorney/CPAs  have it. CPAs who are not attorneys only have it in limited circumstances. If you wish to keep what you say to your tax advisor confidential, it pays for that person to be an Attorney/CPA, rather than merely a CPA.