Source Rules for Income
I/ Interest:
Rule: Residence of Payor of Interest
80% or more of U.S. debtor’s gross income is from “active foreign business income.”
Look to 3 taxable years prior to year of interest payment. (Look-thru subsidiaries’ dividends and look at their activities). All interest is foreign source unless lender and borrower are related parties (10% or more ownership), then split according to U.S./foreign source.
Interest paid by foreign branches of U.S. banks is foreign source.
Foreign corporations with U.S. trade or business: income paid by a U.S. T/B of a foreign corporation (e.g. paid by the U.S. branch of foreign co.) is U.S. source income.
II/ Dividends
Rule: Residence of corporation issuing the dividend
25% or more of foreign corporation’s income is from U.S. TB. U.S. source portion of dividend equals portion of U.S. TB income. Look at last three years.
III/ Services
Rule: Where services are performed.
De Minimis Exceptions: Services income is foreign source income if the taxpayer was in the U.S. no more than 90 days AND earned no more than $3000 from performing services in the U.S., AND performed the services on behalf of a foreign party or foreign branch of U.S. corp. AND the recipient is a non-resident alien.
Treaty: No more 183 days.
IV/ Rents
Rule: Where property is located.
V/ Royalties
Rule: Where intangible property is used.
VI/ Gain from the Sale of Real Estate:
Rule: Where property is located.
VII/ Gain from the Sale of Personal Property:
Rule: Residence of the seller.
Residence for this purpose = location of a “tax home” (i.e. taxpayer takes travel deductions when traveling from this location).
U.S. citizens and residents with a foreign tax home will only have foreign source income if they pay a tax of at least 10% of gain in the country…
Exceptions: U.S. resident may have foreign source income from sale of personal property if:
– office/fixed place of business in foreign country
– gain is attributable to that office
– foreign tax of 10% is PAID, and
– property is not inventory, depreciable, intangible or stock of foreign affiliate.
VIII/ Personal Property that is Depreciable/Amortizable Property: US source to the extent depreciation/amortization deductions were taken against U.S. source income.
IX/ Intangible Property
Rule: Residence of the Seller
Exception: Sourced as a royalty if income is contingent on productivity of property.
VIII/ Inventory:
Where the sale occurred: site of property when title was transferred.
IX/ Inventory manufactured in one jurisdiction and sold in another:
Where the inventory is manufactured.
Source Rules for Deductions
A/ General Rule
1 – Allocate to income item (factual relationship between income and deduction). Source is the same as the associated income item.
2- Ratable apportionment for non-related deductions (e.g. charitable contributions, medical expenses…)
B/ Interest Expense
Allocation is based on the basis assets, not income (i.e. assets producing US source income and assets producing foreign source income).
Non-recourse loan for specific property.